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Install Jamzone for Android as of today!

Install Jamzone for Android as of today!

It's the final countdown — ta da da taaaaaa” could be our rallying cry for the next few days! Just like Europe, we're counting down days... and counting up fixed bugs! We're super happy to announce Jamzone is now entering in Beta phase on Android!

Say what? It means we're testing our app with real users, so you too can participate if you have an Android tablet (your sister or your cat are even welcome)! We've played our little fingers to the bones to make sure that the features you love are on Android devices: live mixing console, key and tempo change, song structure, and everything altogether in a sleek design.

During the Beta phase, your feedback is even more important. We count on your help to find those pesky bugs that are hiding deep within the app and that might have gotten away from us.

So install the app starting today from within the Play Store, test it out, play around, and let us know via our contact page how it is going! We'll be live soon.