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Becoming a musician: where to begin

Becoming a musician: where to begin

So you've made your choice and set your sights on learning to play the instrument of your dreams (read more: how to choose an instrument). You're about to embark on a long-term engagement and a serious relationship; one that is sure to live happily...

Music homework: desynchonizing the limbs

Music homework: desynchonizing the limbs

One of the main difficulties for beginner musicians that is common no matter the instrument is the independence of the limbs. We've all experienced it, this propensity that has our limbs (and feet for drummers and eccentric pianists and...

The hazards of the guitar

The hazards of the guitar

Falling into the same category as walking on a lego when you’re a parent or when your toast falls jam-side smack dab on the floor, the guitar pick that slips or the string that breaks are some of the biggest annoyances for a guitarist. Particularly...

Choosing an instrument to learn

Choosing an instrument to learn

School’s back in session, your sunburns have lamentably healed into an unsightly peel, summer barbecues weigh on your belt and you’re back at work somehow even more tired than when you left. The good news? Along with getting back into the swing...

Land a gig at your favorite festival

Land a gig at your favorite festival

Summer’s coming to an end and aren't you lucky to have benefited from all it has to offer: sun, drinks, and...festivals of all sorts! The choice is vast (more than 1,800 festivals took place in 2015) and styles vary. You might be thinking, "Well,...

Legendary drum kits

Legendary drum kits

Far from just a pretty background, far from the ungrateful status of a rhythmic stooge and role of b(r)and ambassador bearing the name of the group plastered across the instrument, the drummer is the guide, the foundation of any group. (S)he’s also...