Summer’s coming to an end and aren't you lucky to have benefited from all it has to offer: sun, drinks, and...festivals of all sorts!
The choice is vast (more than 1,800 festivals took place in 2015) and styles vary.
You might be thinking, "Well, whenever will it be my turn to hop up on stage?" It’s going to take a teeny-tiny bit of preparation, to land the gig that could trigger the avalanche of success, the flood of emails and the absolute wealth that come with it (verdict’s still out on the last one’s probability).
So, here are some tips from performing musicians to musicians to get you up on the stages of your favorite festivals.
1. Pay attention to your image
Your image is what programmers will judge right off the bat, so looking after it is vital. A site with a professional domain name (avoid Buy a real domaine that’s in your name for just a few euros.
Content is also important: reassure programmers with some quality photos on stages that are equivalent to the one(s) you are aiming for.
A nice video will also put you in the spotlight, and can sometimes be enough to be the convincing factor! Forget the video filmed by uncle so-and-so with your smartphone, ask a few friends to help or lend you equipment worthy of the name: Reflex camera, lighting, microphones, and DO NOT neglect the importance of location.

2. Sell yourself
Like any adventure, nothing happens without effort. You will need to contact the programmers, probably more than once. Don’t forget that many a rival vow for the spot.
Opt for a professional presentation, with a short and direct email, and reach out regularly if you do not receive an answer (by phone is even better). To top it off, nothing like presenting a press kit to leave them wanting more.
Consider timing: it's useless to contact the organization a month before the festival, it's too late. Show interest 8 to 10 months before the festival to maximize your chances.
Finally, avoid any under the table schemes: offer a clear and turnkey service, via an association or a production company if necessary.
3. Ensure pre-sales service
To facilitate the work of the organizing team, be completely clear about your performance. Remember to provide the team with a "Roadie" or technical sheet detailing the stage plan, the instruments, the wiring and necessary microphones, the need for lighting etc.
Specify also your requirements in terms of catering, the time needed for your scales, the duration of the set etc. This way bad surprises are avoided and everyone’s happy!

Thanks to these festival tips, it’s now your turn to start planning for next summer so you can get your fingers on fame, money (and festivity!)