Terms of Service

1. General

These General Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions") apply to the use of this website including Recisio’s online music catalog service (the "Jamzone Service"), any software applications, or access to any content or material made available by Jamzone. When visiting our website these Terms and Conditions, our Cookie Policy, and our Privacy Policy apply to your use. If you do not want to be bound by the above-mentioned terms, please do not visit this website and do not use our Service.

Please note that any and all use of the music (“Music Piece”) provided within the Jamzone Service(s) will be subject to a separate music license agreement (between you and Recisio SAS) which regulates your right to use and distribute the music. More information about the different licenses and subscriptions that Jamzone offers can be found on the website or, by contacting hello@jamzone.com. If you have any questions regarding your right to use the music under a partner (such as a multi-channel network/”MCN”) agreement, please contact the relevant partner/MCN or Jamzone's support.

The Jamzone Service is provided by Recisio SAS, a company with a registered office at 74, rue des Arts, 59000 Lille, FRANCE. Registered in the trade register under the RCS number 515 253 128 00026, telephone: +33 3 20 95 37 54.

By visiting this website and/or using the Jamzone Service you acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and therein referred to documents.

Jamzone reserves the right, at its full discretion, to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Such modification enters into force when published on https://www.jamzone.com or communicated to you in any other appropriate manner. Your continued use of the Service after such modification is valid as consent thereto. Do check the website regularly to verify whether these Terms and Conditions or other documents referred to herein have been modified. If you do not accept to abide by these Terms and Conditions (or cannot comply with them) you may not use the Jamzone Service or the website, or access any content.

Any translation of these Terms and Conditions from English into another language is made only for convenience purposes and the translation will not be a valid contract. At all times will the English version be the prevailing one and the version valid as agreement and Terms and Conditions. If you wish to receive these Terms and Conditions and relevant documents thereto in another language, please contact us via the contact details provided below.

2. The Service and General Limitations of Use

The Jamzone Service is an online music catalog and playback service, by which Recisio makes available digital music streams (collectively as well as any part thereof "Content") for the purpose to be used in music training, music education, music performances, audiovisual productions and/or other productions, under the terms and conditions as set out in these Terms and Conditions and the applicable music license agreement.

You access the Jamzone Service from Recisio’s Jamzone apps and website interfaces. The Jamzone Service is available for entities and persons that have registered and created user accounts to the Jamzone Service. In order to use the Jamzone Service and access the Content you will have to have the power to enter into a binding contract (i.e. be of mental capacity to enter into binding agreements, not personally bankrupt, etc.) and not be barred from doing so under any applicable law. If you are under 16 years old, or unable to solely enter into a binding agreement with Jamzone, please contact Jamzone’s support.

The assortment of Content may be amended at all times by Recisio, with or without any notice to you. You accept that the Content that is available might not be available at a later stage.

Content types and descriptions, such as genres, categories, etc., are provided for your convenience only and Jamzone does not guarantee their accuracy.

You agree not to use or launch any automated system (including, without limitation, any robot, spider, or offline reader) that accesses the Jamzone Service in a manner that sends more requests to Recisio or its servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a publicly available, standard (i.e. not modified) web browser.

You agree to only stream Content in accordance with the restrictions applicable to your account.

3. How to Access the Service and Your Account

In order to use the Jamzone Service you must create a personal account and register as a user by following the instructions that are further specified in the user registration form. Your account will contain basic account information including e-mail and password. The password you choose must be a unique and distinct password. You are responsible for your e-mail and password and should never give out your password to anyone else. You may not select or use the identity of another person with the intent to impersonate that person. You must use a valid e-mail address and Recisio reserves the right to test and verify this at any time. You are not allowed to have more than one account. It is prohibited to agree with third parties upon the transfer, utilization, or provision of accounts, resources, or access data.

You must notify Jamzone immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your Jamzone account that you become aware of.

Jamzone offers different subscription plans to access its catalog of Music Pieces and various features. You can consult the subscription options from our website www.jamzone.com/download. You must have an active subscription to continue accessing the included Music Pieces and features.

You can access your Jamzone account on a maximum number of three devices simultaneously.

You agree that you will be solely responsible (to Recisio, and to others) for all activity that occurs under your Jamzone account.

4. Trials, Payments and Billing.

Some of our different Jamzone Services require payment. If you have received a voucher code or free offer a free trial period provided by Jamzone or from a third party acting on behalf of Jamzone for access to a paid Jamzone Service, separate additional terms and conditions for such offer may also apply to such access to the Jamzone Service and you must agree to comply with such terms in order to be able to use the Jamzone Service.

If you have been offered a free trial, Jamzone reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine your eligibility for a trial, and if you’re determined not to be eligible, modify the trial at any time with prior written notice. For some trials, we require you to provide payment details to start the trial. At the end of such trial, and if you have not decided to terminate the agreement, Jamzone will automatically start to charge for such provided Jamzone Service.

You agree to pay for all products you purchase through the Jamzone Service or through third-party app stores. Recisio may charge your credit card or other payment system integrated on the Jamzone Service for any products purchased, and for any additional amounts (including any taxes) as may be accrued by or in connection with your account. You are responsible for providing Recisio or third-party app stores with valid credit card information or information for other payment systems presented on the Jamzone Service for all payments.

With regard to the supply of digital content not supplied on a tangible medium whose performance has begun with the express prior consent of the user in accordance with the local and international commerce regulations, there is no right of withdrawal for purchases of content on the Jamzone Service. That said, you have the right to test for free our products/services to ensure with no cost that they match your expectations through the free copyright-free songs and previews of Music Pieces.

Recisio may change the subscription fee from time to time and will communicate any such changes to you in advance. Price changes will take effect no earlier than at the start of the Subscription Period following the date of the change. If you do not accept the price change, you may terminate your Subscription at any time prior to such price change.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

You may not use, transfer, display, perform, or otherwise make the Content available except as expressly permitted under these Terms and Conditions and under the applicable music license agreement.

All content available through the Service and on the website, including designs, text, graphics, pictures, videos, information, applications, software, music, sound, and other files, are the proprietary property of Recisio.

Except for the rights expressly granted to you in the applicable music license agreement and in these Terms and Conditions, no right to the Jamzone Service or the Content is assigned to you, and all right, title, and interest in the Jamzone Service and the Content are reserved and retained by Recisio. Recisio does under no circumstances transfer any right, title, or interest in the Content to you, and you do not acquire any ownership rights to the Service or the Content.

Please note that you may not use the Content in connection with any material or otherwise in a manner or context that is defamatory, illegal, or inciteful of an illegal act; immoral; racist; hateful or discriminating against any person based on for example race, nationality, religion, ethnic identity, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation; constitutes encouragement of violence or use of weapons; pornographic; or in a manner or context that otherwise violates any rights of anyone associated with the Content. You shall comply with any applicable laws and regulations. Moreover, you may not use the Content in connection with sensitive subjects without the prior written consent of Recisio. Sensitive subjects include, but are not limited to, political content, such as the promotion, advertisement, or endorsement of any party, candidate, or elected official; and “adult videos” and promotion of adult entertainment venues, escort services, or the like.

Please also note that you are not allowed to upload or otherwise exploit the Content provided in the Service as stand-alone files (for example, uploading the track to any kind of distribution platform or otherwise distributing a track as a full-length (or shortened) file, on its own or with a just background picture and/or just the name of the artist/track).

6. Use of Computer Resources

The Jamzone Service is available through the Jamzone dedicated apps (macOS, iOS, iPadOS, Android) and website. Use of the Jamzone service requires a compatible computer / mobile system and internet access. Therefore, the User's ability to access the service may be affected by their performance in these. You acknowledge and accept that these technical requirements, which may change from time to time, are your responsibility. The Jamzone Service is not part of any other product or offer, and no purchase or acquisition of any other product whatsoever can be interpreted as procuring for or guaranteeing the user access to the service.

You agree that Recisio has the right to allow the Jamzone Service to make use of the storage hardware, processor, and bandwidth of your Internet connection, computer, phone, tablet, work station, or similar media device; however, only as reasonably necessary to provide the Jamzone Service.

If you are connected to the Internet in a foreign country the Jamzone Service may still make use of the storage hardware, processor, and bandwidth on your internet connection, computer, phone, tablet, workstation, or similar media device. As a consequence extra charges from your Internet Service Provider ("ISP") may be brought on you. Check with your ISP for further details. By using the Service you agree to take responsibility for these extra charges towards your ISP and you agree to indemnify Recisio for any third-party claims due to the extra charges from your ISP referable to you.

7. Third Party Applications

The Jamzone Service and website are integrated with third-party applications, websites, and other services to make the Jamzone Service and Content available to you as a user. These third-party applications may have their own terms and conditions of use etc., and your use of these third-party applications will therefore be subject to the applicable terms and conditions for a such third-party provider. Recisio is not responsible or liable for the behavior, content, or features of any third-party application.

8. Advertisement

You may separately have accepted to be exposed to commercial messages, newsletters, and advertisements sent by Recisio when using the Jamzone Service. If you do not want to be notified about these offers or news you may always opt-out of such information by following the instructions in each notification that you receive.

9. Support

You will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Jamzone Service on the website www.jamzone.com. You are always welcome to contact Jamzone through this webform.

10. Privacy and Personal Data

Recisio processes personal data about you and your use of the Jamzone Service in accordance with Jamzone's Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy applicable from time to time.

11. Service Level and Disclaimer

Recisio will make reasonable efforts to keep the Jamzone Service operational. However, technical problems or maintenance may, from time to time, result in interruptions.

Recisio is not responsible for unavailability or deficiencies of the Jamzone Services caused by you, deficiencies in the Internet access, or any other event beyond Recisio's control.

Recisio will from time to time carry out updates and maintenance of the Jamzone Service, during which the Jamzone Service might be unavailable. Recisio will try to arrange updates and maintenance outside of peak usage hours.

This service is provided “as is” and “as available” and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, recisio makes no warranty, representation, express or implied, and/or disclaimer as regards to the availability, fitness for purpose, non-infringement, content or other data provided and the quality of the service. you use the service at your own risk. You also acknowledge that freedom from program errors cannot be obtained in the software industry. Neither Recisio nor any owner of content warrants that the service is free of malware or other harmful components.

Recisio (including, but not limited to, affiliated companies and their contractors, officers, directors, and employees) shall in no event, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, be liable for any damages as a consequence of shutdown, loss of or effect on data, loss of profit, and claims for damages by a third party or other indirect injuries.

Recisio reserves the right at any time, and from time to time, to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, functions and features of the Jamzone Service with or without notice, and Recisio shall have no liability to you if Recisio exercises such rights.

12. Indemnity

Upon request by Recisio, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold Recisio harmless (including, but not limited to, affiliated companies and their contractors, officers, directors, and employees) from all claims, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) that arise from your misuse of the Service in a manner not in strict conformance with these Terms and Conditions.

Furthermore, Recisio reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you. However, in which event you accept to cooperate with Recisio in asserting any available defenses.

13. Limitation

You agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, your sole and exclusive remedy for any problems or dissatisfaction with the service is to uninstall any software and to stop using the service. While Recisio accepts no responsibility for third party applications or the content thereof, and while your relationship with such third party applications may be governed by separate agreements with such third parties, to the extent permitted by applicable law, your sole and exclusive remedy, as with respect to Recisio, for any problems or dissatisfaction with third-party applications or the content thereof, is to uninstall and/or stop using any such third party applications.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event will Recisio, its officers, shareholders, employees, agents, directors, subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, suppliers, or licensors be liable for (1) any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages; (2) any loss of use, data, business, or profits (whether direct or indirect), in all cases arising out of the use or inability to use the service and/or content, third party applications, or third party application content, regardless of legal theory, without regard to whether Recisio has been warned of the possibility of those damages, and even if a remedy fails of its essential purpose; or (3) aggregate liability for all claims relating to the service, third-party applications, or third party application content more than the amounts paid by you to Recisio during the prior twelve months in question, to the extent permissible by applicable law.

Nothing in the General Terms removes or limits Recisio’s liability for fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, death or personal injury caused by its negligence, and, if required by applicable law, gross negligence.

14. Term and Termination

This agreement will continue to be in force until terminated by you or Recisio.

If you or Recisio terminate this agreement for any reason or if you violate any of the terms or conditions in these Terms and Conditions or any thereto related documents, your right to use the Service and access to Content will immediately terminate. Recisio may further, at its sole discretion, terminate your account and your access to the Jamzone Service with 2 week’s notice.

if you wish to permanently delete your account, please follow the procedure from the app on your website or app profile information screen.

15. Assignment

Recisio is entitled to in whole or in part assign its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions to a third party. You may not assign these Terms and Conditions to any party.

16. Partial Invalidity

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid or unenforceable, at any time or to any extent, then the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall not be affected thereby. Each provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.

17. Law and Dispute Resolution

French law shall apply to these Terms and Conditions except with regard to principles on conflict of laws. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be determined by French courts of general jurisdiction where the district court of Lille shall be the court of first instance.

Recisio has the right regarding illegal copying or distribution of the Content or the Service to the public, to instigate proceedings for damages or injunctions in any court having jurisdiction.

18. Additional Information or Questions

If you would like to receive further information regarding the Terms and Conditions, you are more than welcome to contact us via the contact details provided below or through this web form.

Recisio SAS
74, rue des Arts
59000 Lille

E-mail. hello@jamzone.com

Last modified on 2022-08-30